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Driving measurable business results
and behavioral insights to target and guide prospective buyers smoothly from discovery, to consideration, to purchase.
Leveraging deep demographic data
for customers through collaboration on marketing program development and energize those programs with the use of relevant, informative and timely content to engage audiences.
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Tracy Smith Vice President, Design & Engineering Group
Tracy’s leadership on sales and brand strategy drives business goals. She has helped countless companies take their brand to the next level with marketing programs that deliver results.
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Ryan’s digital marketing expertise helps him to build unique, integrated marketing campaigns that drive results for customers.
Melissa Johnson Director, Campaign Strategy & Execution
Melissa oversees customer lead generation programs, ensuring programs are promoted in the right channels to the right audiences, delivering high-quality leads and ROI.
Bob Vavra Senior Content Director
Bob has covered safety and plant operations for over 17 years, giving him a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities in the design and manfacturing sector.